Months to Ground Zero
The Iowa Caucuses have never been the be all/end all of presidential election politics but they have served to ring the death knell to the weaker contenders.
Less important are those that drop out for now the great game begins in earnest. We can well expect that the major players will have somewhat different showings in New Hampshire primaries four days hence.
LazyTM candidate Fred Thompson edged out John McCain for third place on the Republican side although statistically tied at 13 %. He's still viable. My prediction for NH is Romney, McCain, Giuliani, Thompson with Huckabee virtually falling off the radar.
Whadaya call the guy that hangs out wit' musicians?
The bass player. (rim shot)
What sends an audience streaming to the exits?
A bass solo.
The good news: Hillary comes in behind Obama and Edwards; Fred is not out of it.
Lordy! This isn't the 'left' against the 'right'--it's the grownups against
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